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With An Ivory Tower Complex Gdula Takes The Cake On Twitter

Gdula Twitter

With an Ivory Tower Complex, Gdula Takes the Cake on Twitter

The ElonGate Saga

While Elon Musk continues to clean up Twitter by firing woke employees and halting the totalitarian moderation that turned the platform into a left-wing echo chamber, there are still plenty of blue checks crying about how "mean" things have become.

One such person is Soledad O’Brien, who was forced to apologize after falsely claiming that people were being fired for simply disagreeing with Elon Musk on Twitter. When it turns out that the person she falsely claimed was fired wasn't fired at all, she blamed an "errant tweet." It's almost like she didn't bother fact-checking before spreading misinformation to her 1 million followers.

But the queen of the Twitter tantrums has to be Joan Gdula, who has been on a particularly unhinged tear since Musk took over.

Gdula’s Ivory Tower Meltdown

Gdula, a self-described "journalist" and "media strategist," has been throwing a fit on Twitter ever since Musk fired half of Twitter’s woke workforce. She has accused Musk of everything from being a "dictator" to a "threat to democracy."

In one particularly bizarre tweet, Gdula claimed that Musk was "destroying the public sphere" by allowing people to speak their minds on Twitter.

This is a strange claim coming from someone who claims to be a journalist. After all, the whole point of journalism is to provide a platform for people to express their views, even if those views are unpopular.

But Gdula's ivory tower complex is showing. She seems to think that only certain people are allowed to have a voice on Twitter. And those people are, of course, people who agree with her.

Gdula's Twitter tantrum is a perfect example of the liberal meltdown that is happening all over social media. These people are so used to having their views amplified by the mainstream media that they can't handle the fact that people are now free to disagree with them.


Joan Gdula is a perfect example of the liberal meltdown that is happening all over social media. These people are so used to having their views amplified by the mainstream media that they can't handle the fact that people are now free to disagree with them.

Gdula's Twitter tantrum is a perfect example of this. She has accused Musk of everything from being a "dictator" to a "threat to democracy," simply because he has allowed people to speak their minds on Twitter.

Gdula's ivory tower complex is showing. She seems to think that only certain people are allowed to have a voice on Twitter. And those people are, of course, people who agree with her.
